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Motorcycle Safety 101: What You Need to Know

motorcycle rider

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, an annual campaign recognized by numerous safety organizations, including the National Safety Council (NSC) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).

At Politis & Matovina, P.A., we believe that everyone has a part to play when it comes to keeping those on two wheels safe. Whether you are a rider or driver, here are a few safety tips you can implement to help reduce the risk of a motorcycle wreck.

For Riders

1. Wear the Right Gear

Even the most experienced riders should never forgo the proper safety gear before hopping on their bikes. Motorcyclists should always wear helmets, eye goggles, gloves, leather jackets, leather pants, and leather boots. Not only will this gear protect you in the event of a motorcycle accident, but some of these pieces are also a legal requirement for Florida riders.

2. Check Your Bike

Safe riding starts before you even hop on your bike! The Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) suggests checking your tires, wheels, controls, lights and electrics, oil and other fluids, chassis and stands before every ride.

3. Increase Your Visibility

One of the most commonly cited reasons for motorcycle accidents is drivers not spotting riders. To improve their own safety, riders should wear bright clothing and gear, use reflective tape, stay out of drivers’ blind spots, and always use headlights when riding at night.

4. Rev Your Engine

Remember, being heard is equally as important as being seen. Since drivers may not always look in their mirrors or check their blind spots as they should, you can alert them of your presence by revving your engine whenever you are riding next to vehicles.

5. Ride Defensively

It’s best to adopt a defensive riding mindset as a motorcyclist. By this, we mean that you should never just assume that drivers can see you or will yield to you. Always expect the unexpected and be ready to make any last-second riding maneuvers.

For Drivers

1. Reduce Your Speed

We all know that road conditions can change suddenly. By reducing your speed and increasing your buffer, you have more time to make a complete spot in the event that traffic stops up ahead. This way, you can prevent the risk of rear-ending a motorcycle rider in front of you.

2. Use Your Signals

Motorcycle riders may base their moves on where you, as a driver, indicate to turn. Please make sure to always use turn signals whenever you are making a turn or a lane change to alert motorcyclists of where your vehicle will be.

3. Be Careful in Intersections

Many motorcycle accidents occur at intersections—specifically, they can result from drivers making left-hand turns and failing to spot and yield to oncoming motorcycles. Drivers, always ensure you reduce your speed in intersections and look twice before making any turns.

4. Look Twice

Every driver deals with blind spots, but they can be especially problematic for large vehicles, such as SUVs or trucks. If you are making a lane change, make sure to check your rear- and side-view mirrors and turn your entire neck and body to ensure there are no riders in your blind spots.

5. Always Yield

Even if you have the right of way, you are required to always yield to motorcycle riders. They are more at risk of sustaining catastrophic or fatal injuries when collisions occur. While it can be frustrating when others don’t abide by road laws, safety is always the top priority.

Injured in a Motorcycle Crash?

If you or a loved one is injured in a motorcycle accident, let us help you get your life back on track. We are avid motorcycle riders ourselves and will do everything it takes to protect your rights to compensation and get you the justice that you deserve.

Contact our Daytona Beach motorcycle accident attorneys at (386) 333-6613 to speak with our legal team for free. We have four convenient offices located in Port Orange, Palm Coast, Orange City, and Ormond Beach.