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5 Things You Must NOT Do on Memorial Day

small american flags are lined up on a lawn

Many people view Memorial Day as a three-day weekend and an opportunity to gather with friends and family, go to the beach or park, barbeque, and celebrate the unofficial start of summer. However, this federal holiday is meant to honor and mourn the fallen service members of the United States military.

While there are many ways to honor soldiers who died serving our country, there are several things you should avoid doing to properly celebrate the day.

The following are five things you must NOT do on Memorial Day:

  • Wish someone a “Happy Memorial Day” – In 1868, General John Logan said the purpose of Memorial Day is “strewing with flowers, or otherwise decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country during the late rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land.” In other words, it is a time to honor the troops who have sacrificed their lives for our country. Memorial Day is not like Christmas, where you wish someone a merry holiday each year.
  • Do not thank current service members – Memorial Day is not about active troops. Current and former soldiers of the U.S. military that are still alive are celebrated on Veteran’s Day, which is in November. However, Memorial Day only commemorates those who are no longer with us.
  • Do not forget about the purpose of the holiday – While it is perfectly appropriate to indulge in festive gatherings or even shopping sales during this holiday, remember to take some time out of your day to honor our fallen troops.
  • Do not forget about the holiday altogether – You know what’s even worse? When someone forgets the purpose of having the last Monday of May off. Do not disrespect the service members who gave the ultimate sacrifice by forgetting the reason for the day off.
  • Do not get political – Whether you do not favor the idea of war or the policies of a specific president, those reasons should not prevent you from remembering those who have sacrificed their lives for defending our freedoms and rights for more than 200 years.

In conclusion, there is a significant purpose behind Memorial Day and maintaining that purpose is always important.

If you have been injured in an accident in Daytona Beach, FL, contact Politis & Matovina, P.A. today at (386) 333-6613 for a free case evaluation. We have offices in Palm Coast, Port Orange, Orange City, and Ormond Beach.