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Can I Appeal a Denied Accident Claim?

a bright red stamp on a piece of paper that says "denied"

When you’ve been injured in a motor vehicle accident, the last thing you’re expecting is to receive a notice from an insurance company saying that your claim has been denied. Especially if you aren’t at fault for the collision, this notice can be jarring and often leaves people feeling as if there are no other options.

Fortunately, you often have the option to appeal a denied claim. Here’s what you need to know.

Steps to Take After a Denied Claim

Know Why You Were Denied

First and foremost, you will want to know why your claim was denied. The insurance company should provide this in writing with your notice of denial. Should you have not received the reasoning at the time of denial or the insurer fails to provide you with this information when requested, they may be acting in bad faith, and you can pursue legal action.

Gather Evidence

Once you review the reason for denial, you can begin to gather evidence to support your claim. This may include medical records, photos and videos of the accident scene, witness statements, repair estimates or bills, and any other documentation that supports your version of events.

Prepare Your Appeal

After gathering evidence to support your argument, you’ll want to prepare a formal appeal letter for submission to the insurer. In this letter, explain why you disagree with the insurer’s decision and why they should reconsider your claim. Be sure to include all relevant evidence as attachments so the insurance adjuster can review it when considering your appeal.

Contact an Attorney

Having an experienced personal injury attorney on your side can make appealing a denied claim much easier. An attorney will be familiar with the laws surrounding the appeal process and can ensure that your evidence is properly presented and that you are protected throughout the process. Furthermore, an attorney can ensure all relevant deadlines are met and that any critical legal documents are properly filed.

The team at Politis & Matovina, P.A. can help you stand up to insurance bullies and get the compensation you deserve. Schedule a free consultation today by calling (386) 333-6613.
