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How Long Does Whiplash Last?

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Does Whiplash Go Away?

After a car accident, soft tissue injuries can be just as severe or worse than more noticeable injuries like broken bones. Whiplash is among the most common and the worst soft tissue injuries suffered by car accident survivors.

So, how long does whiplash last? Even at low speeds, a rear-end collision can cause whiplash, so it is important to always see a medical provider shortly after being in a crash to check for the early signs of injury. With treatment, many cases of whiplash will last for weeks; without treatment, whiplash is more likely to last for years.

What is Whiplash & How Does It Happen?

Whiplash is a severe soft tissue neck injury that is caused by a sudden and forceful back-and-forth whipping of the neck.

This abrupt and violent motion can stretch, contort, and tear:

  • Muscles
  • Tendons
  • And ligaments in the neck and upper back

How Long Can Whiplash Last? Does Whiplash Go Away?

Healing from a whiplash injury can take:

  • Weeks
  • Months
  • Or years, depending on the severity of the harm and how often the injured person can rest

Due to the angle of impact, rear-end accidents are more likely to cause whiplash than many other types of car accidents.

To schedule a free case evaluation with our experienced Daytona Beach car accident attorneys, give us a call at (386) 333-6613 anytime, 24/7 or contact us online!

What Are the Symptoms of Whiplash?

One of the troubles of whiplash is that it can begin as a subtle ache or pain. Many people mistake whiplash as just soreness to expect after being in a car accident. This assumption causes them to not seek immediate medical attention, which can cause the whiplash to worsen and the recovery process to lengthen.

Initial symptoms of whiplash can include:

  • Pain whenever moving the neck
  • Stiffness in the neck
  • Limited motion and mobility in the neck
  • Migraines, especially those accompanied by neck pain
  • Drowsiness and lethargy
  • Tinnitus and blurred vision
  • Dizzy spells and nausea
  • Insomnia

How Do You Recover from Whiplash?

The best way to start recovering from whiplash is to see a medical professional for a diagnosis of the injury and a prescribed recovery plan. Following your doctor’s orders as closely as possible can reduce the recovery time, and your whiplash might go away in a matter of weeks. Failing to get treatment and not allowing your neck to rest could cause your whiplash to last for months or longer.

Your doctor might prescribe the following to treat your whiplash:

  • X-rays
  • Painkillers
  • Physical therapy
  • Surgery

How Long Does Whiplash Take To Heal?

You might be wondering, “Does whiplash go away?” Overall and with treatment, mild cases of whiplash will last about a month on average. Moderate cases of whiplash can last up to six months. Severe cases of whiplash can last for a year or be considered semi-permanent because it will not go fully away until the appropriate treatments are administered. Whiplash symptoms that last the longest tend to be migraines and seemingly random neck pains.

Can You File a Claim for Whiplash?

When responding to a car accident claim, insurance companies usually look for recognizable severe injuries. If the injury isn’t obvious, then the company will be more likely to refuse to provide any coverage or compensation.

Because whiplash shows very little external symptoms – only redness and swelling in some cases – an insurance company is more likely to reject or challenge a whiplash injury claim.

An insurance company’s resistance to your claim doesn’t mean it is invalid. It just means you will have a greater task ahead of you to get the compensation that you need. To be confident in your chances of securing a recovery, you should team up with a professional injury attorney from the start of your case.

Politis & Matovina, P.A. offers legal counsel to injured drivers inDaytona Beach, Orange City, Port Orange, Palm Coast, Ormond Beach, and other nearby areas in Florida. If you need help making sense of your case and proving that your whiplash injury is severe enough to justify significant compensation, please contact us online today.
