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What Causes Truck Accidents?

big truck crash

Needless to say, when an 80,000-pound truck is rolling down the highway, there is a multitude of things that can go wrong. That’s why there are strict federal rules for truck drivers, trucking companies, and cargo loaders that dictate what their roles are in getting the cargo delivered to its destination safely without posing a danger to those on the road. common causes of truck accidents infographic

Unfortunately, devastating truck accidents are often the result of these very parties failing to take the steps and safety precautions they should. Here are some of the most common causes of big truck accidents:

  • Distracted Driving. Safely operating a truck requires the driver to keep their eyes on the road, hands on the wheel and mind on driving. Truck drivers who are inattentive, use their phones, or even change the radio behind the wheel can cause accidents.

  • Impaired Driving. Trucks and alcohol are a lethal combination; drinking impacts a driver's reaction time, coordination, vision, concentration, and tracking. Drug use, especially with stimulants, is also prevalent in the trucking industry.

  • Driver Fatigue. Truck drivers are often on the road for extended periods of time at night. These work shifts, combined with certain sleep disorders, such as apnea and insomnia, can lead to drowsy driving-related truck accidents.

  • Lack of Maintenance. Truck drivers are often on the road for extended periods of time at night. These work shifts, combined with certain sleep disorders, such as apnea and insomnia, can lead to drowsy driving-related truck accidents.

  • Improper Loading. Cargo must be loaded in a specific way in order to ensure that it doesn't fall and throw off the balance of the truck. Unsecured boxes, crates, or barrels can shift the weight of the truck and cause the truck driver to lose control.

Injured in a Truck Accident?

We understand the ramifications that often arise in the aftermath of big truck accidents. If you’ve been injured in one of these crashes, please don’t hesitate to contact our firm for dedicated, tireless legal advocates in your corner. We have been assisting those injured in Florida and across the nation since 1993 and will fight hard for the compensation you deserve and need to heal.

Contact Politis & Matovina at (386) 333-6613 to schedule your free consultation today!
