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What You Need to Know About Florida’s Texting and Driving Law


As many of us know, distracted driving is incredibly dangerous. In a school zone or school crossing, distracted driving can be even more hazardous, given how unpredictable children can be. As such, Florida recently made changes to its law, making it a primary offense for a driver to use a phone when driving in an active construction zone, a school zone, or a school crossing. The law went into effect on October 1. If a law enforcement officer sees you holding a cell phone while driving through any of the aforementioned zones, you will receive a $60 fine and 3 points on your driver’s license.

Put Down Your Phones

When an act becomes a primary offense, it means an officer can cite you for it without the presence of any other traffic violations. If you are using a hands-free device, remember one ear must be without an earbud, so you can maintain awareness of your surroundings.

Law enforcement agencies across the state have already given 542 citations between July 1 and September 17, but the full hands-free portion of Florida’s new law will go into effect on January 1, 2020. Although many believe banning handheld devices in school zones and construction zones is an excellent step in the right direction, some wish these stricter laws were enforceable throughout the state.

The Statistics

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), using a handheld device while driving causes 1.6 million traffic collisions every year and almost 390,000 injuries. It is also 6 times more likely to result in a severe accident than drunk driving. Using a handheld device while driving is exceptionally dangerous because it distracts drivers on a visual, manual, and cognitive level, which is why Florida and many other states across the country are seeking to make the roads safer for drivers by making changes to their laws.

Although the hands-free law currently only applies to school zones, construction zones, and school crossings, it would be wise for every driver to avoid using a handheld device at all times. Doing so can prevent you from getting harming yourself or others in a severe accident.

Schedule a Consultation with a Knowledgeable Personal Injury Attorney Today!

Distracting driving is extremely dangerous, especially when it involves the use of a handheld device. If you were injured by a driver who was texting at the time of the accident, reach out to the skilled team at Politis & Matovina, P.A. for the legal advice and representation you need during this difficult time. Our firm has been representing the wrongfully injured since 1993 and secured more than $200 million on their behalf. We would be honored to do the same for you. Do not attempt to handle this case on your own.

Call our law office today at (386) 333-6613 to arrange a free consultation with one of our trusted and compassionate personal injury attorneys.